Better Living with Tinnitus & Hearing Loss


Living with ringing in the ears or hearing loss can be frustrating. The brain is telling us that we are under attack. This 4-week course in mindfulness teaches us to be with situations that we cannot change with acceptance. With practice, the brain can rewire overtime and ringing can become background noise. We can also learn to practice self-care with hearing loss and ask for our needs to be met.

All classes are currently delivered through Zoom, an online meeting tool. When in person classes become a safe possibility, we may move to in-person class delivery in our Houston studio. At that point, students will have the choice to join each class in-person or through Zoom.

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Key Takeaways

  • Understand the science of what your brain is telling you;
  • Change your perceptions of your experience;
  • Learn to welcome your experience and let go of resistance;
  • Develop practices for stress reduction;
  • Strengthen communication to meet your needs.

Course Description

Although there are no cures for tinnitus or hearing loss, you can learn to live with your experience with less stress. When you let go of wanting something you can’t change to be different and learn acceptance, it can change your perspective and, paradoxically, you can gain a sense of well-being.  Class One will talk about the science of tinnitus, hearing loss, and your brain and introduce some basic practices for stress reduction.

In Class Two, you will learn how to observe your experience, stepping back from it instead of being caught in the frustration.  This will help you become responsive to your needs rather than reactive to what you do not like. 

Class Three invites you to learn some deeper practices for building and sustaining attention in the present moment positively.  

The final class addresses difficulty hearing issues cause in our relationships with others. You will learn ways of communicating your feelings and needs more effectively and seeing the feelings and needs of others around you.

Typical Class Structure:

  • Teaching and Information sharing – each class will provide scientific information, information on practices, and allow for discussion with no pressure to participate.
  • Experiential meditation practices – classes will include mindfulness practices which are seated, walking, moving.  Chairs are used for all practices to maintain stability and balance.


Ann Friedman, Ph.D. or Michele Pola, Ed.D.
Mondays, August 10 – August 31, 10:00 – 11:30 am

Michele Pola, Ed.D.
Tuesdays, October 27 – November 17, 10:00 – 11:30 am

Additional Information


All classes are currently delivered through Zoom, an online meeting tool. When in person classes become a safe possibility, we may move to in-person class delivery in our Houston studio. At that point, students will have the choice to join each class in-person or through Zoom.

Mindful Being Studio
4544 Post Oak Place Dr., Suite 100
Houston, Texas 77027

*NOTE: Please be sure to type this address exactly into your navigation app as there are several variations of the Post Oak street name in our area. We want to be sure that you are specifically routed to our building.


There is free parking available in the front and rear of our office building. For students attending the night classes,  there is a security guard on site.

Please note that the building doors lock at 6pm, so you will need to enter through the back door of the building, where the security guard can see you. 

Other Items to Note:

(Applies to both our Zoom online classes and the in-person classes at our studio)

Come as you are, and be comfortable. Some of our students may be in business attire, and others in workout clothes. 

Class is experiential and includes some teaching, as well as practices with discussion. No one is pressured to speak. 

We recommend that you arrive 5 minutes before class starts. If you are going to arrive late, that is fine, but it is best to be on time to be respectful of the group. We understand that sometimes things happen beyond your control; however, and we would rather have you come late than not at all. 

If you miss your class you may attend a make up in another series or repeat the entire series again for free. You may also schedule a private make-up with the instructor for a fee.

You are allowed to bring food and beverages. We do offer water, tea, and coffee at our studio. 

There is no need to take notes. Our instructors will provide summaries of each class as handouts (or sent via email).


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